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Education Strategy Committee Terms of Reference

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(1) The purpose of the Education Strategy Committee (the Committee) is to provide the Executive Group with input and support on the execution of the education strategy.


(2) The Committee is a sub-committee of the Executive Group and will make recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor in the areas of whole of institution education strategy and the interface with the plans of each of the faculties, and the Macquarie University College as set out in these terms of reference.

(3) The Committee is not a sub-committee of the Academic Senate but, where relevant:

  1. will ensure effective linkage with the Academic Senate and its committees, including through the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) with the Chair, Academic Senate and the Chairs of committees; and
  2. will ensure effective linkage with the Faculty Boards, including through the Executive Deans and Deputy Deans (Education and Employability).
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Section 2 - MEMBERSHIP

(4) The membership of the Committee is approved by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Executive Group.

(5) The  membership of the Committee consists of:

  1. the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic);
  2. the Executive Dean of each Faculty;
  3. the Dean of Students;
  4. the Deputy Dean (Education and Employability) of each Faculty;
  5. the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education);
  6. the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous);
  7. the Vice-President, Strategy, Planning and Performance;
  8. the Vice-President, Finance and Resources; and
  9. the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (People and Operations).

(6) The Committee will be chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), as approved by the Vice-Chancellor.

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(7) The Committee’s responsibilities are as follows:

  1. support the development of an education vision and strategy;
  2. determine strategic principles for education including curriculum and teaching;
  3. consider the strategic and commercial rationale for major change in curriculum mix and education delivery;
  4. oversee the implementation of strategic change in curriculum mix, learning and teaching strategy;
  5. oversee an annual review and response on coursework viability, quality, sustainability and key performance metrics, including QILT, student evaluation, etc.;
  6. align and direct the work of the education strategy with the University Operating Plan; and
  7. lead cultural change in education.

(8) The Committee may establish agreed advisory group(s) to support its responsibilities.