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Faculty Annual Review and Planning Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure supports the implementation of the Quality Assurance Framework Policy by setting out an annual review and planning procedure for faculties of the University.


(2) This Procedure applies to staff of the University, in particular members of faculties and other areas with designated responsibilities under this Procedure.

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Section 2 - Section 2 – Policy

(3) Refer to the Quality Assurance Framework Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedures

(4) This Procedure supports the oversight of the:

  1. quality of the Faculty’s learning and teaching and research activities and its contribution to achieving the University’s strategic priorities (refer to Our University: A Framing of Futures) and operational objectives (refer to University Operating Plan 2020-2024); and
  2. alignment of the Faculty’s planning with the annual budget process.

Part A - Annual review and budget process

(5) The Office of the Vice-President, Strategy, Planning and Performance will work with Business Intelligence and Reporting, and other relevant areas of the University, to prepare an annual data report for each Faculty to inform their strategy and budget for the coming year.

(6) Annual Faculty data reports will include data relevant to the performance of:

  1. courses owned by the Faculty, including financial and non-financial results; and
  2. Schools and Departments, including teaching load, research performance, and the academic staff profile.

(7) Each Faculty will prepare a draft strategy and draft financial plan for the coming year with reference to their annual Faculty data report.

(8) The Faculty strategy will include:

  1. key Faculty objectives for the coming year aligned to the University’s strategic priorities and operational objectives;
  2. activities to achieve those Faculty objectives; and
  3. measures of success.

(9) The Faculty financial plan will include:

  1. the Faculty’s historical financial trends, budget for the coming year, and projections for the following four (4) years, including:
    1. teaching revenue and equivalent full time student load (EFTSL) assumptions that underpin the projections;
    2. research revenue by the Higher Education Research Data Collection (HERDC) category;
    3. full time equivalent (FTE) staffing assumptions that underpin the projections; and
    4. Faculty margin trends;
  2. capital plan requirements; and
  3. any key strategic investments (including any further capital expenditure and one off and recurring operating expenditure).

(10) The Faculty strategy and financial plan will be developed by the Faculty Executive Dean in consultation with the Vice-President, Strategy, Planning and Performance and the Vice-President, Finance and Resources.

(11) The Faculty strategy and financial plan will be approved by the Vice-Chancellor and reported to the University Council.

(12) The Vice-Chancellor may at any stage initiate a comprehensive review of all or any part of the Faculty’s operations to ensure the effectiveness of its organisation and management, the quality of its academic activities, and/or alignment with the University’s strategic priorities and operational objectives. The terms of reference and process for such a review will be approved by the Vice-Chancellor.

Part B - Responsibilities

(13) The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for overseeing the implementation of this Procedure.

(14) The Vice-President, Strategy, Planning and Performance is responsible for managing the processes specified in this Procedure.

(15) The Executive Dean of each Faculty is responsible for ensuring that their respective Faculty carries out the activities required by this Procedure.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(16) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(17) The following definitions apply for the purpose of this Procedure:

  1. Faculty refers individually to the Faculty of Arts, the Macquarie Business School, the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences, and the Faculty of Science and Engineering.