(1) The Student Representative Committee (SRC) is established in accordance with clause 13 of the Student Consultation Rules. (2) These terms of reference were approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) in accordance with clause 14 of the Student Consultation Rules on 30 May 2022. (3) These terms of reference come into effect on the date of approval, with the exception of clauses 6, 7, 8 and 9. Clauses 6, 7, 8, and 9 come into effect upon the call for nominations from enrolled students for election to the SRC in 2023. For the sake of clarity, membership of the SRC will remain as it was on 31 December 2021 during this transitional period. (4) Consistent with the intent of clause 3 of the Student Consultation Rules and more broadly, the purpose of the SRC is to provide for democratically elected student representatives to provide input to decision making of Macquarie University (the University) regarding teaching, learning, research, amenity, and services. (5) The SRC has no delegation or authorisations for matters identified in the University’s Delegations of Authority Register. All responsibilities are identified in Section 3 of these Terms of Reference. (6) Membership of the SRC will include: (7) Members of the SRC will be democratically elected by students in each of the enrolled student categories detailed at clause 6. (8) A person cannot be and is not eligible to be a member, if the person: (9) The elected student member of the University Council will be a member of the SRC. (10) Election of SRC members must be conducted in accordance with election procedures determined by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic). The returning officer for election of members to the SRC will be an officer of the University appointed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic). (11) The term of office of each member of the SRC will commence on the declaration of electoral poll results by the returning officer. (12) The term of office of each member of the SRC will conclude: (13) In consultation with the SRC, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) may stagger the terms of office of SRC members, including reducing an election round term to one year for half the SRC membership positions, where this is deemed beneficial to support the continuity of operation. (14) The members of the SRC will appoint from amongst themselves a Chair who will: (15) The members of the SRC will appoint from amongst themselves a Deputy Chair, who will undertake the activities of the Chair in their absence. (16) The University will appoint a staff member as the Secretary of the SRC, who will: (17) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) on advice from the SRC Chair must fill a casual vacancy where a member vacates the SRC for any reason other than expiry of term if the vacancy occurs at any time before the date on which the member’s term of office would have otherwise expired. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) must: (18) Membership of the SRC is honorary. No remuneration is payable to a member of the SRC unless they are appointed an officeholder of the SRC membership. (19) The Vice-Chancellor may determine to remunerate officeholders of the SRC. (20) The University must reimburse SRC members for reasonable expenses that are approved in advance by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or their authorised officer if they are reasonably incurred by the SRC member in performing their functions under these terms of reference. (21) The SRC will: (22) The SRC will establish and maintain a standing subcommittee for equity, diversity, and inclusion to inform and assist the SRC in exercising its functions: (23) The SRC may establish other subcommittees to assist the SRC in the exercise of its functions. Members of SRC subcommittees must abide by these terms of reference. (24) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) may request that the SRC establish subcommittees for the purposes of consultation on matters of importance to the University. (25) The SRC must provide the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) before December in each year with a proposed program and budget that includes: (26) The University may at any time require the SRC to prepare and provide to the University a proposed program and budget in relation to any aspect of the activities of the SRC. (27) The proposed program and budget must be prepared in accordance with the financial policies and procedures of the University. The University will provide resources to the SRC to ensure that the proposed program and budget is prepared to a professional standard. (28) Not less than 20 business days after provision of a proposed program and budget and by no later than the end of the second session in each year or such other time as the University may determine, the SRC and the University must meet (as many times as necessary) and discuss the proposed program and budget for the next year for the purpose of agreeing an approved program and budget for that year. (29) If an approved program and budget for a year is not agreed within 20 business days of the first meeting between the SRC and the University the Vice-Chancellor may determine what is to be the program and budget for that year. (30) The SRC may vary an approved program and budget with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor. (31) The SRC must, until there is an approved program and budget for a year, subject to receipt of necessary resources, continue to carry out its functions. (32) The SRC must not without the approval of the Vice-Chancellor undertake any activities which are not substantially in accordance with an approved program and budget. (33) The SRC must report to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) as soon as reasonably practicable any unbudgeted expenditure it wishes to make in respect of the functions of the Committee. (34) The University must hold and control all funds of the SRC, including expenditure of funds. The University will hold and control funds according to its financial policies and procedures and delegations of authority. (35) Any funds received by the SRC from any sponsorship or other fundraising activity must be promptly provided to the University who will hold and control funds on behalf of the SRC. (36) The SRC must ensure that funds are only spent for a purpose for which funds paid as student amenities fees and services are permitted to be spent under section 19-38 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003. (37) The SRC Chair, with support from the relevant areas of the University, must provide an annual report, with statement of revenue and expenditure, containing an overview and review of the SRC’s performance against the annual program and budget. The annual report must include commentary on use of any student services and amenities fees in the previous year and its recommendations for the expenditure of any student services and amenities fees in the year ahead (as contemplated in clause 5 of the Student Consultation Rules). (38) The annual report must be provided to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and be made available on the University’s website. (39) The SRC must if requested, promptly report to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), as the case requires, in relation to: (40) The University will provide to the SRC any information that is reasonably required for the purpose of carrying out its responsibilities. The University is not obliged to provide any information if it is confidential or to do so would be a breach of an obligation of the University or would otherwise in the opinion of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) not be in the interests of the University. (41) The University must establish and maintain an online presence for the SRC in a medium determined by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or their authorised officer after consultation with the SRC. The purpose of the online presence is to provide a digital means for the student body to communicate with members of the SRC, so as to facilitate the performance by the Committee of its functions. The online presence must be moderated by the University in accordance with the University’s communication, information and Internet policies and procedures. (42) Secretariat support and resourcing will be provided to the SRC in accordance with the Student Consultation Rules (16). (43) A member of the SRC must carry out their functions in good faith and in the best interests of the University as a whole. (44) A member of the SRC must act honestly and exercise a reasonable degree of care, skill, and diligence in carrying out their functions. (45) A member of the SRC must not make improper use of their position to gain, directly or indirectly, an advantage for themselves or any other person or cause detriment to the University. (46) If a person obtains information because they are, or have been, an SRC member, they must not improperly use or disclose that information to gain directly or indirectly, an advantage for themselves or any other person or cause detriment to the University, or otherwise use or disclose it for any purpose other than that for which it was provided to them. (47) Every SRC member must keep any confidential information confidential and not disclose it to any person except: (48) A person must not disclose confidential personal information unless they are legally entitled to do so. (49) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or their authorised officer may require any SRC member or any person assisting the SRC to give a formal undertaking or enter into a binding agreement or deed to comply with clause 43. (50) Ordinary meetings the SRC will be held at least four times per year. (51) Extraordinary meetings may be called as required by the Chair or Deputy Chair with any period of notice, for business that they wish to submit as a matter of priority. (52) Any six (6) members may request that the Secretary call a meeting. This request must be in writing, stating the matter(s) for which the meeting is required. The meeting will be held within 14 days after the receipt of such request. (53) Ordinary meetings of subcommittees of the SRC will be held as frequently as determined by the Chair of a subcommittee. (54) The Chair of a subcommittee is required to call a meeting if requested to do so by the Chair of the SRC. (55) A meeting may be called or held using any technology. (56) Where technology is deployed to meet, members must take all reasonable steps to ensure the confidentiality of the meeting and its business. (57) The Chair is responsible for establishing the agenda for meetings of the SRC. (58) The Chair of a subcommittee is responsible for establishing the agenda for meetings of that subcommittee. (59) Members may request that items be added to an agenda. Such requests should be made no less than 10 working days in advance of the meeting and the Chair will determine whether the item is appropriate for the agenda. (60) If a matter arises between preparation of the agenda and the meeting date, the matter shall be presented to the meeting at the Chair’s discretion. (61) Matters deemed by the Secretary or Chair to require discussion are designated by one ‘star’ on the agenda. Members will be given an opportunity to star any or all of the un-starred items on the agenda. Un-starred items may be resolved in a single vote. (62) The Chair, or in their absence, the Deputy Chair is to chair all meetings of the SRC. (63) The SRC will elect, from amongst its members, the Chair of a subcommittee. (64) If the Chair of a subcommittee is unable to attend a meeting, they may appoint another member of the subcommittee to act as Chair in their absence. Failing this, members in attendance at the meeting of the subcommittee will nominate a Chair from those present. (65) The quorum for a meeting shall be at least half the membership of the Committee plus one. Vacant positions on the SRC do not count toward the calculation of the number required for a quorum. (66) A decision requires the presence of a quorum. (67) If a quorum is not present within half an hour after the appointed time for a meeting, all business for that meeting shall be held over until the next meeting. (68) Decisions are made by a majority of members present being in favour of a resolution. (69) Decisions may be made by circular resolution and must be conducted in accordance with these terms of reference. (70) In certain circumstances it may not be practicable to convene a meeting and a decision is needed urgently or within a short timeframe. In such a case, a circular resolution will enable a decision to be made within the required timeframe. (71) A circular resolution is a resolution passed without a meeting, by each member signing or approving via a verified email account and returning the resolution stating whether or not they are in favour of the resolution. (72) The Chair may decide to use a circular resolution for approval between meetings: (73) The proposed circular resolution must be accompanied by: (74) Circular resolutions must be circulated to all members and resolutions for approval cannot be amended after being circulated. (75) Members must respond in writing stating that they approve or are against the resolution recommended in the circular resolution by close of business on the third business day following distribution of the circular resolution. The Chair may allow more time for response where it may not be practicable to contact all members within this period. A written response includes a reply by email. (76) If a member votes against the resolution, that member may then request the Chair to convene a meeting. The request must be received by the Secretary by 5:00 pm Sydney time on the third business day following circulation of the circular resolution. The Chair must convene a meeting as soon as practicable after the request for a meeting has been received by the Secretary. The circular resolution will lapse if a meeting has been requested under this clause. (77) If a member has not responded to the circular resolution in the manner required by clause 75 by 5:00 pm Sydney time on the third business day following distribution or within the period of any extension of time allowed by the Chair, that member will be taken to have abstained from voting. (78) Where a member wishes to propose an amendment to the resolution for approval, the member must vote against the resolution and contact the Secretary to discuss the possibility of the resolution for approval being amended and re-circulated. (79) A resolution is passed when the Secretary receives the last response within the time allowed for response and an absolute majority of members have approved the resolution. (80) Passed circular resolutions will be retained as an official record by the Secretary. (81) Where a circular resolution has been passed, it will be noted at the next meeting. (82) Meetings may be adjourned to a later date. (83) By majority vote or by decision of the Chair, any subject of discussion may be permitted at a meeting. (84) A matter considered for discussion at a meeting which requires a resolution to be passed will be taken as a motion on notice for the subsequent meeting. (85) If a SRC member has a material interest in a matter being considered or about to be considered at a meeting or owes a material duty to another person in respect of such a matter and the interest or duty appears to raise a conflict with the proper performance of the member’s duties in relation to the consideration of the matter, the member must, as soon as possible after the relevant facts have come to the member’s knowledge, disclose the nature of the interest or duty at a meeting. (86) A disclosure by a member at a meeting that the member: (87) After a member has pursuant to clause 86 disclosed the nature of an interest or duty in any matter, the member must not, unless otherwise determined: (88) For the purpose of the making of a determination under clause 87 a member who has a material interest in a matter or conflict of duty in respect of a matter to which the disclosure relates must not: (89) A member must not take part in the consideration or discussion of, or voting on any question relating to, the member’s removal from office. (90) A member is taken not to have a conflict of interest or duty under clause 87 if the interest or duty: (91) The Chair may determine the procedure for dealing with any conflicts of interest or duty. (92) The Chair may direct a member to leave the meeting if the member continues to conduct themself in an improper manner after being requested by the Chair to desist. A member must abide by the direction of the Chair and leave the meeting. The Chair must notify the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) or their authorised officer of that action. (93) If a member leaves a meeting under clause 92, the meeting may continue in the absence of the member notwithstanding that it results in a quorum not being present and any decision will not be invalid merely because of the absence of a quorum for this reason. (94) Each member must cooperate and collaborate with each other member and the University in relation to the performance of their respective responsibilities and for the purpose of giving effect to decisions. (95) A contravention by a member of any provision of these terms of reference may instigate an investigation for misconduct in accordance with the disciplinary by-laws, rules, policies and procedures of the University. (96) Attendance at meetings of the SRC: (97) The Secretary will keep minutes of meetings in accordance with the requirements of clause 16. (98) The Secretary must ensure that minutes of a meeting are signed within a reasonable time after the meeting by one of the following: (99) The Secretary must ensure that the minutes for resolutions passed without meetings are available for inspection by: (100) A current member may ask the Secretary in writing for a copy of: (101) The member must not unreasonably ask for access to or a copy or extract of any minutes or use it for a purpose unrelated to their role as a member. (102) Nil. (103) Nil.Student Representative Committee Terms of Reference
Section 1 - Establishment
Transitional Provisions
Section 2 - Membership
Term of office
Appointment and Role of Chair and Deputy Chair
Appointment and Role of Secretary
Casual vacancies
Remuneration and expenses
Section 3 - Functions and Responsibilities
Committee functions
Annual Program and Budget
Annual Report
University responsibilities
Member responsibilities
Section 4 - Meetings
Frequency - SRC
Frequency - Subcommittees
Agenda for meetings
Chairing of meetings
Circular resolutions
Business without notice
Conflicts of interest
Professional behaviour
Section 5 - Variations
Section 6 - Definitions
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