(1) As part of the initiation of the Education Strategy Committee, it was agreed by the Executive Group that consideration would be given to the role of the Revenue and Student Numbers Planning Group (RSNPG). The Education Strategy Committee supported the consideration that the Revenue and Load Committee (the Committee) replace the RSNPG and forms as a sub-committee of the Education Strategy Committee, bringing proposals to the Education Strategy Committee and providing real time data, reporting directly to the Executive Group, where appropriate. (2) The Committee has three key purposes which are outlined below: (3) The Committee is a sub-committee of the Education Strategy Committee and will make recommendations to the Education Strategy Committee on establishing a whole of institution strategy for markets, offerings, platforms, pricing, revenue, student numbers and load and work at the interface with the plans of each of the faculties and the Macquarie University College, as set out in these Terms of Reference. (4) The Committee will ensure effective reporting of market, load and revenue trends, performance and forecasts directly to the Executive Group, the Education Strategy Committee and Faculty governance, using Business Intelligence and Reporting (BIR) (market and load) or Finance (revenue) as the source of truth for all data. (5) The annual schedule of tuition fees and charges is recommended to the Education Strategy Committee for endorsement, prior to recommendation for approval by the Vice-Chancellor. (6) The annual enrolment load plan for domestic students, international students and HDR students is recommended to the Education Strategy Committee for endorsement, prior to recommendation for approval by the Vice-Chancellor. (7) The Committee will integrate its work with the faculty commencing load committees. (8) The Committee is responsible for the consideration of fee waivers (for recommendation to the delegated approval authority) and transparency of agent commissions. (9) The membership of the Committee is approved by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Executive Group. (10) The membership of the Committee consists of: (11) Others in attendance at Committee meetings, as relevant, include: (12) Support the Executive Group and Education Strategy Committee in the development of strategy and plans for markets, offerings, platforms, pricing, revenue, student numbers and load including focus on the student success indicators; retention, progression, and completion. (13) Identify market trends, opportunities and threats and proposing strategic and tactical responses. (14) Support the development of effective structures for partnership and engagement with each faculty and Macquarie University College. (15) Provide insight and narrative to the Executive Group by commissioning data from BIR, ensuring effective mechanisms are in place for monitoring progress against plans, triggering action and response, including comprehensive and timely management of information. (16) Develop and oversee effective processes for the allocation of available Commonwealth Supported Places. (17) Advise the Executive Group directly, or through the Education Strategy Committee, on any strategic and commercial rationale for major change in curriculum mix. (18) Review and recommend change to strategy and operations through the Education Strategy Committee or directly to the Executive Group, based on analysis of the success of students enrolled in the coursework suite. (19) Meetings will be held for one hour, four times each calendar year in the following months: (20) The quorum shall be at least half the membership of the Committee plus one. (21) The agenda and relevant papers will be circulated via email to all Committee members one week in advance of the meeting. (22) Unconfirmed minutes will be shared with Committee members one week following the meeting and will be confirmed at the next meeting of the Committee. (23) Where a Committee member has an actual, potential, or perceived conflict of interest, they must declare this prior to discussion of the item of business. (24) Variations to this Terms of Reference and/or membership of the Committee must be approved by the Vice-Chancellor. (25) For the purpose of this document:Revenue and Load Committee Terms of Reference
Section 1 - Establishment
Section 2 - Membership
Top of PageSection 3 - Functions and Responsibilities
Committee responsibilities
Section 4 - Meetings
Agendas and Minutes
Conflicts of interest
Section 5 - Variations
Section 6 - Definitions
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