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Quality and Standards Monitoring and Reporting Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure supports the implementation of the Quality Assurance Framework Policy by:

  1. specifying the University’s processes for monitoring and reporting on compliance with External Standards; and
  2. providing a reporting framework for continuous improvement of the quality of the University’s Internal Standards and activities to support ongoing compliance with External Standards and the achievement of excellence.

(2) This Procedure is aligned with and supports the University’s:

  1. compliance approach as documented in the University’s Compliance Management Framework; and
  2. management of risk in accordance with the University’s Risk Management Framework.


(3) This Procedure applies to all staff of the University.

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Section 2 - Policy

(4) Refer to the Quality Assurance Framework Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedures


(5) Members of the Executive Group, managers, supervisors, and other staff must be aware of the requirements in External Standards and Internal Standards that apply to their work and activities and ensure that their actions and decisions comply with those requirements. They will provide input into monitoring and reporting on compliance with External Standards as specified in this Procedure and notify the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) in writing as soon as they become aware of a breach or potential breach of the Standards.

(6) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) is responsible for overseeing the implementation of this Procedure and ensuring that compliance with External Standards is monitored and reported as required.

(7) The Executive Manager, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) is responsible for managing the processes specified in this Procedure and communicating to staff about their obligations under External Standards.

(8) For each Standard in the Higher Education Standards Framework (HESF), at least one Responsible Executive and one Responsible Officer will be nominated to provide input into monitoring and reporting relevant to their area of responsibility and to take action as required to mitigate compliance risks.

(9) For the Education Service for Overseas Students (ESOS) legislative framework, the ESOS Foundation Program Standards and the English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) Standards, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) is responsible for identifying relevant academic and operational activities and officers and stakeholders responsible for or directly impacted by those activities, monitoring and reporting compliance, and ensuring that action is taken as required to mitigate compliance risks. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) is the Principal Executive Officer as per the requirements of the ESOS legislation.

(10) The Academic Senate will monitor and review relevant academic quality and compliance obligations under External Standards as required by the Academic Senate Rules.

Quality and Standards Reviews

(11) The Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will conduct a rolling cycle of Quality and Standards Reviews against identified External Standards in accordance with an annual schedule approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic). These reviews will be included in the University’s Annual Compliance Plan.

(12) Quality and Standards Reviews will review and evaluate relevant evidence that includes, as applicable:

  1. plans, frameworks, policies, and processes;
  2. student and staff feedback;
  3. performance and verification data;
  4. good practice identified through external referencing; and
  5. guidelines by relevant external agencies, including the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA).

(13) The Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will develop Quality and Standards Review reports which will:

  1. summarise the outcomes of the reviews;
  2. provide compliance risk ratings;
  3. identify breaches and risks of non-compliance with External Standards, and other opportunities for quality improvement; and
  4. specify actions to rectify breaches, mitigate risks, and otherwise improve quality and standards.

(14) Quality and Standards Review reports will be verified by the relevant Responsible Officers and endorsed by the relevant Responsible Executives.

(15) The Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will maintain a register of agreed actions and monitor progress in implementing those actions in consultation with Responsible Officers, the Chair, Academic Senate, and other staff as appropriate.


(16) Quality and Standards Review reports, including compliance risk ratings, will be provided to the Chief Risk Officer to inform the maintenance of the University’s Risk Management Framework and risk management reports to the Audit and Risk Committee.

(17) Where a material breach or potential breach of the External Standards has been identified, the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will ensure that this is communicated to the appropriate manager in accordance with the requirements of the Compliance Management Framework. The Office of General Counsel will report the material breach or potential breach (if determined) to the Audit and Risk Committee as part of the Compliance Exception Report.

(18) An annual Quality and Standards Review report, endorsed by the Executive Group and the Academic Senate, will be received by the University Council (Council) via its Audit and Risk Committee. Additional interim reports may be provided as required to ensure effective oversight by Council.

(19) The annual Quality and Standards Review Report to Council will identify:

  1. lapses in compliance with External Standards;
  2. significant risks to future compliance; and
  3. corrective action that is being taken to address lapses and significant risks.


(20) The Executive Manager, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will notify TEQSA of material changes that may significantly affect the University’s ability to comply with the HESF or that require changes to the National Register, in accordance with the TEQSA Act 2011 and TEQSA’s Material Change Notification Policy, and compliance notifications will also be made in accordance with the ESOS Act 2000.

(21) The Quality Assurance and Compliance Manager will notify TEQSA and/or other relevant Commonwealth agencies of events including changes to details on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) and student visa information, as required by the ESOS Act 2000, the ESOS National Code 2019, the ELICOS Standards 2018 and the Foundation Program Standards.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(22) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(23) Commonly defined terms are located in the University Glossary. The following definitions apply for the purpose of this Procedure;

  1. External Standards refers to the:
    1. Standards for Higher Education set out in the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021;
    2. Standards in the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (the National Code) under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act (ESOS) Act 2020;
    3. Education Services for Overseas Students (Foundation Program Standards) Instrument 2021; and
    4. English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) Standards 2018;
  2. Internal Standards refers to the University’s Rules, policies and procedures;
  3. Material breach means a breach that is deemed to be material in accordance with the criteria set out in the Compliance Policy;
  4. Responsible Executive means a member of the University’s Executive Group; and
  5. Responsible Officer means a member of University staff nominated by a member of the University Executive Group to carry out responsibilities specified in this Procedure.