(1) The Academic Senate has established the Senate Learning and Teaching Committee (the Committee). These Terms of Reference set out the Committee’s purpose, authority, membership and functions and responsibilities. (2) The procedures for the Committee are set out in the Academic Senate and Academic Senate Committees Procedure. (3) The purpose of the Committee is to provide advice to Academic Senate on the University's strategic directions, priorities, policies, and quality assurance processes for learning and teaching to promote an academic culture of excellence and to ensure positive student outcomes. The Committee will promote pedagogical excellence and adoption of good practice in scholarly learning and teaching across the University. (4) The Academic Senate may, from time to time, resolve to grant the Committee specific authorisations to discharge its responsibilities. The Committee may request the granting of such authorisations as it sees fit. All authorisations will be documented in Section 3, Functions and Responsibilities. (5) In accordance with the Academic Senate and Academic Senate Committees Procedure, the Committee will comprise: (6) The Committee will also comprise members appointed by the Chair, Academic Senate in consultation with the Academic Senate Standing Committee, including: (7) The Chair of the Committee may recommend the co-option of up to three (3) appropriately skilled persons to the Committee for a specified term, to be approved by the Chair, Academic Senate in consultation with the Academic Senate Standing Committee. The Chair of the Committee may also invite individuals with specialist knowledge and expertise to attend Committee meetings as required. (8) The term of office for members in clause 5 is subject to the member continuing in the specified substantive position. (9) The term of office for members in clause 6 and clause 7 is two years, unless otherwise specified. (10) The Chair, Academic Senate may renew any member’s term of appointment, in consultation with the Academic Senate Standing Committee. (11) The Committee is directly responsible and accountable to the Academic Senate for the exercise of its responsibilities. (12) The Committee will receive reports, monitor, provide advice and make recommendations to Academic Senate on: (13) The Committee may request any other reports relating to learning and teaching matters, for consideration and advice/recommendation to Academic Senate. (14) The Committee may refer to, or seek comment from, the Academic Standards and Quality Committee on matters of common interest as per the roles and responsibilities provided in each committees’ Terms of Reference. This may include joint meetings, or the establishment of joint working groups as required. (15) The Committee may establish working groups to support the performance of its roles and responsibilities. (16) The Committee will consider and report on any matters referred to it by Academic Senate, as required. (17) Operational and budgetary matters are outside the role and responsibilities of the Committee. This includes the business case of any proposal which must be approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic). (18) The quorum shall be at least half the membership of the Committee plus one. (19) Vacant positions on the Committee do not count toward the calculation of the number required for a quorum. (20) Refer to the Academic Senate and Academic Senate Committees Procedure for meeting requirements and protocols. (21) Variations to this Terms of Reference must be approved by Academic Senate. (22) For the purpose of this document:Senate Learning and Teaching Committee Terms of Reference
Section 1 - Establishment
Section 2 - Membership
Section 3 - Functions and Responsibilities
Section 4 - Meetings
Section 5 - Variations
Section 6 - Definitions
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