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Fees Rules

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Preliminary

Name of Rules

(1) These Rules are the Fees Rules.


(2) These Rules commence on 24 April 2009 under resolution CNL 09/36.


(3) The Council of Macquarie University makes the following rules under section 29 of the Macquarie University Act 1989 and Part 10 of the Macquarie University By-law 2005.


(4) Nil.

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Section 2 - Rules


(5) The University Council (Council) may impose and determine from time to time by rule the fees and charges to be paid for examinations, for the granting of degrees, diplomas and certificates, for attendance at the lectures and classes of the University, including facilities associated with student residences, playing fields and with all other activities of the University.

(6) Where the Council has resolved that a fee or charge should be imposed in relation to any matter but has not determined the amount of such fee or charge, the Vice-Chancellor may from time to time determine the fee or charge payable in relation to that matter and that the fee or charge shall be the amount payable until such time as the Council otherwise determines.

(7) Any student who fails to complete the payment of fees by the time determined by the Council shall be liable to pay such late fees as the Council may from time to time determine.

(8) The Registrar may exclude from an examination and from the use of any facilities of the University any student who has not paid the fees due and who has not discharged any indebtedness to the University.

(9) The Council may make provision for waiving fees and late fees in full or in part. Fees publicised on Macquarie University’s website are current at the time of publication but may be amended by the Council or Vice-Chancellor without notice.


(10) The fees to be paid to the University by students shall be as prescribed by these Rules.

(11) For the purpose of these Rules:

  1. student, who is a candidate for a degree or diploma, shall be regarded as full-time, part-time, internal or external as designated by the rules pursuant to the award in which the student is admitted, or the unit or program of study in which the student is enrolled;
  2. the dates of the University study periods shall be as determined from time to time and shown in the University Calendar;
  3. a non-award student is a student who is enrolled in one or more units from the University’s Schedule of Units, but who is not admitted to an award;
  4. a continuing education student is a student who is enrolled in one or more units conducted by the University, but who is not enrolled as an award, non-award, enabling or cross-institutional student; and 
  5. an international student is a student who is not an Australian or New Zealand citizen, nor the holder of permanent residence status in Australia, and who is admitted to an award on a fee-paying basis.

Continuing Education and Non-Award

(12) The fees to be paid by students enrolled in units conducted by the University under its continuing education or non-award programs shall be as determined from time to time by the Vice-Chancellor, pursuant to section 35(2) of the Macquarie University By-law 2005, who shall also determine the conditions under which refunds of such fees may be made.

Fees for Domestic Students

(13) All awards offered by the University for domestic students shall be defined as either a Domestic Fee Paying Place (DFP) or a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP), with the possible exception of students referred to in clause 17.

(14) Students who are admitted to an award, or are enrolled in a program of study, offered as a Domestic Fee Paying Place shall observe the following:

  1. Students shall be liable to pay tuition fees as approved by the Vice-Chancellor. These rates are published on Macquarie University’s Fees and Costs website.
  2. Tuition fees shall be payable each study period by a date specified by the Vice-President, Finance and Resources.
  3. Tuition fees shall be payable for the total Equivalent Full-Time Student Load (EFTSL) value for which a student is enrolled in each study period.
  4. Save as provided for in clause 14(e), a student who withdraws from a unit for a program of study or award for which tuition fees are payable by the relevant study period census date shall be granted a refund of fees paid in respect of that unit.
  5. The Vice-Chancellor may determine special conditions under which refunds of tuition fees may be made in respect of a particular program of study, or award, where the Vice-Chancellor considers that the provisions of clause 14(d) are inappropriate for that program of study.
  6. The Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), via FEE-HELP, allows eligible students to defer their tuition fees. The Higher Education Loan Program is administered by the Australian Taxation Office.

(15) Students who are admitted to an award, or are enrolled in a program of study, offered as a Commonwealth Supported Place shall observe the following:

  1. In accordance with the Higher Education Support Act 2003, students who receive a Commonwealth Supported Place will be liable to pay a contribution based on the indexed rates provided by the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) and approved by the Vice-Chancellor.
  2. The student contribution shall be payable for the total Equivalent Full-Time Student Load for which a student is enrolled in each study period.
  3. Where the student withdraws from a unit, or other component, for a program of study on or before the relevant study period census date no student contribution shall apply in respect of that unit or component.
  4. The Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), via HECS-HELP, allows eligible students to defer their student contribution. The Higher Education Loan Program is administered by the Australian Taxation Office.

Fees for international students

(16) The fees to be paid by international students shall be determined, pursuant to section 35(2) of the Macquarie University By-law 2005, by the Vice-Chancellor who shall also determine the conditions under which refunds of such fees shall be made.

Fees for Higher Degree Research students

(17) The fees to be paid by higher degree research students shall be determined, section 35(2) of the Macquarie University By-law 2005, by the Vice-Chancellor who shall also determine the conditions under which refunds of such fees shall be made.

Late fees

(18) A late fee may be payable if an application for admission is lodged after the day specified by the Registrar. Late fee amounts are generally aligned with the Universities Admissions Centre’s schedule of late fees for the relevant admission period.

(19) The late application fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.

(20) A late fee may be payable if enrolment in a unit after the day specified by the Registrar is requested, and approved, by the Registrar. In exceptional circumstances the Vice-Chancellor may waive the payment of the late enrolment fee.

(21) A late fee is payable if tuition fees or student contribution fees are outstanding beyond the due date specified by the Vice-President, Finance and Resources. The late payment fee shall be $200.


(22) Charges to be made for the use of facilities or services provided by the University shall be specified on the University’s website.

Assisted Students

(23) Holders of scholarships or other forms of financial assistance who have not received an enrolment voucher or appropriate letter of authority from their sponsor by the fee due date are required to pay their own fees. A refund will be processed after a recognised enrolment voucher or letter of authority has been lodged.

Extension of Time for Payment

(24) Any student who, owing to exceptional circumstances, is unable to pay fees by the due date may apply in writing to the Vice-President, Finance and Resources for an extension of time. Such application must state clearly and fully the reasons why payment cannot be made and the duration of extension sought, and must be lodged before the date on which a late payment fee becomes payable, pursuant to clause 21.

Failure to Meet Liabilities

(25) Students who are indebted to the University for less than $200 will be denied permission to re-enrol, and denied access to final examination results and official academic transcripts.

(26) Students who are indebted to the University for amounts totalling $200 or more will be warned in writing that if they remain indebted beyond a date determined by the Vice-President, Finance and Resources their enrolment will be cancelled, they will be denied permission to re-enrol, and they will be denied access to final examination results and official academic transcripts.

(27) Students who are indebted to the University shall not be permitted to graduate until such debt is cleared.

Student Services And Amenities Fee

(28) In accordance with the Higher Education Support Act 2003, students may be liable to pay a Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) as determined and approved by the Vice-Chancellor.

(29) The fee amount for any given year shall be as determined and approved by the Vice-Chancellor, but shall be no more than the maximum amount as specified each year in the Higher Education Grants Index.

(30) The fee amount shall be calculated in accordance with a student’s classification as full-time or part-time, or as otherwise determined by the Vice-Chancellor. Where a student enrols in, or withdraws from, a unit or units for a program of study, within the relevant timeframes for a study period, and where this results in the student being reclassified as full-time, part-time, or discontinued, the fee shall be adjusted accordingly.

(31) The Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), via SA-HELP, allows eligible students to defer their Student Services and Amenities Fee. The Higher Education Loan Program is administered by the Australian Taxation Office.

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Section 3 - Schedules and Associated Information

(32) Nil.