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Faculty Rules

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Section 1 - Preliminary

Name of Rules

(1) These Rules may be cited as the Faculty Rules.


(2) These Rules take effect on the day on which they are published on the Internet by means of the website of the University or in another official University publication under section 29(c) of the Macquarie University Act 1989 and section 35(4) of the Macquarie University By-law 2005.


(3) The Faculty Rules apply to the Macquarie Business School, the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences, the Faculty of Science and Engineering, and to other Faculties, Departments and academic organisational units within the University as the Council or Vice-Chancellor may from time to time determine.


(4) The Council of Macquarie University makes the following rules under section 29 of the Macquarie University Act 1989 and Part 10 of the Macquarie University By-law 2005.

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Section 2 - Definitions

(5) In these Rules:

  1. Academic Senate means the Academic Senate of the University;
  2. By-law means the Macquarie University By-law 2005;
  3. Council means the Council of the University;
  4. Executive Dean means the Executive Dean of the Faculty;
  5. Faculty means an administrative grouping of research, academic and professional staff and students based on the area they teach, support and study;
  6. the Board means the Faculty Board of the Faculty;
  7. the Committee means the Faculty Executive Committee of the Faculty; and
  8. University means the Macquarie University established by the Macquarie University Act 1989.

(6) Note: The Interpretation Act 1987 of New South Wales applies to these Rules.

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Section 3 - Rules

Substantive Provisions

Executive Dean of Faculty

(7) An Executive Dean will:

  1. be appointed in a manner and for such terms of office as the Vice-Chancellor may determine, in accordance with the University’s Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure, and with due regard to appropriate consultation with the Faculty;
  2. take the Chair at meetings of the Faculty subject to clause 10 of the Faculty Board Terms of Reference;
  3. be executive head of the Faculty; and
  4. supervise and be responsible for exercising and discharging such academic and administrative powers, authorities, duties and functions as may be assigned to them from time to time by the Council or Vice-Chancellor of the University and subject to the University’s governance, legislation and Rules.

Head of Department/School

(8) A Head of Department/School will:

  1. be appointed by the Executive Dean, in accordance with the University’s Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure, and in a manner that includes consultation with the Department/School and consideration of candidates by a committee;
  2. take the Chair at meetings of the Department/School; and
  3. be responsible for exercising and discharging such academic and administrative powers, authorities, duties and functions as may be assigned to them.

(9) Should a Head of Department/School be absent from the University or temporarily unable to act, the Executive Dean may appoint an Acting Head of Department/School for a period not normally exceeding 12 months.

(10) Should the office of Head of Department/School become vacant by:

  1. death;
  2. resignation; or
  3. otherwise;
          a successor is to be appointed in accordance with clause 8(a) as soon as convenient.

(11) Pending the appointment of a successor under clause 10, the Executive Dean may appoint an Acting Head of Department for a term not normally exceeding 12 months.

Faculty Board

(12) Each Faculty is to establish a Faculty Board (the Board) as described in the Faculty Board Terms of Reference.

Faculty Executive Committee and other Faculty Committees

(13) The Executive Dean is to establish a Faculty Executive Committee (the Committee) as set out in the Faculty Executive Committee Terms of Reference.

(14) The Executive Dean has authority to establish other management committees as the Executive Dean deems necessary to effectively discharge the business of the Faculty, with such committees to report to the Executive Dean.


(15) Each Department/School comprises of:

  1. the Head of Department/School (being Chair at Department/School meetings); and
  2. the continuing academic staff of the Department/School.

(16) Each Department/School will meet as required and will also consider matters referred to it by the Faculty Board, Faculty Executive Committee, or the Executive Dean of the Faculty.

(17) Non-academic staff and casual academic staff have right of audience and debate at any meetings of the Department/School.

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Section 4 - Elections

Procedures for Elections of Faculty Board

(18) All elections will be conducted in accordance with Schedule 1 of Macquarie University By-law 2005, with the exception of casual vacancies which will be filled in accordance with the process set out in the Faculty Board Terms of Reference.

Criteria for election of academic staff to Faculty Board

(19) Only members of the academic staff who are:

  1. full-time continuing;
  2. part-time continuing; or
  3. fixed term for three or more years with fractional appointment of 50% and above; are eligible to participate in the election and to be elected.

Criteria for election of non-academic staff to Faculty Board

(20) Only members of the non-academic staff who are:

  1. full-time continuing;
  2. part-time continuing; or
  3. fixed term for three or more years with fractional appointment of 50% and above; are eligible to participate in the election and to be elected.