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Leave - Annual Leave Procedure

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The purpose of this Procedure is to detail the steps and responsibilities associated with accessing annual leave entitlements for all eligible staff.

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Section 2 - Policy

(2) Refer to the Leave - Annual Leave Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedures

(3) This Procedure requires actions by the following:

  1. Executive Dean / Head of Office;
  2. Human Resources Officer;
  3. Staff member; and
  4. Supervisor.

Application for Annual Leave

Staff Member

(4) Provide reasonable notice to your supervisor as soon as practicable of the desired period of annual leave.

(5) Apply for annual leave (as soon as practicable) by submitting an application via HR Online. If HR Online is unavailable or inaccessible you should notify your supervisor to discuss alternative arrangements.

(6) Where your supervisor has failed to approve or decline the application within five (5) days of receipt, refer the decision to your supervisor’s manager for consideration.


(7) Review the annual leave application to ensure accuracy and consistency with the Leave - Annual Leave Policy.

(8) In consultation with the staff member, resolve any problems identified with the application.

(9) Consider the operational requirements of the work area and the staff member’s personal circumstances prior to approving, declining or referring to the leave application.

(10) Make a decision about the staff member’s leave within five (5) days of receiving the application.

  1. If approved:
    1. Notify the staff member of the outcome of the leave application.
    2. Approve request via HR Online. HR Online notifies the staff member via e-mail that the leave has been approved.
  2. If declined:
    1. If the request has been made via HR Online then decline the request. HR Online notifies the staff member via e-mail that the leave has been declined.
    2. Negotiate an alternative annual leave period with the staff member.

Absence without approval


(11) Where the staff member is absent without approval, contact the staff member directly (via telephone, email or facsimile) without delay.

(12) Notify HR of such absences immediately and discuss the option of suspending payments pending the resolution of the matter.

(13) Where an absence is regarded as abandonment of employment or misconduct, you may proceed with the relevant provisions of the Enterprise Agreements.

Excess Accumulated Leave

Human Resources Officer

(14) Compile a monthly report identifying staff members (by Faculty / Office) who have, or are likely to exceed, 350 hours (pro-rata for part-time staff members) of accrued annual leave.

(15) Forward the report to the Executive Dean / Head of Office.

(16) As advised by the Executive Dean / Head of Office, deduct the amount of annual leave that was directed to be taken from the staff member’s accrued annual leave entitlement.

Executive Dean / Head of Office

(17) Notify the staff member and their supervisor of excess annual leave accruals in writing.

(18) Where a staff member has accrued a total of 350 hours / 10 weeks of annual leave (pro-rata for part-time staff members) or more, you may, with three (3) months written notice, direct the staff member to take annual leave. However, the direction will not require a staff member to reduce their balance below 140 hours / four (4) weeks unless otherwise agreed by the staff member.

(19) Advise Human Resources of the amount of annual leave to be deducted and the date of when the adjustment is to be made.

Application for Cashing Out of Annual Leave

Staff Member

(20) Apply for the cashing out of annual leave (as soon as practicable) by submitting the Cashing Out Annual Leave form.

(21) The amount requested to be cashed out must not reduce your remaining accrued annual leave entitlement below 140 hours / four (4) weeks for professional staff or 280 / eight (8) weeks for academic staff.

(22) The application for professional staff must be accompanied by an approved leave application for a minimum of 70 hours / two (2) weeks of annual leave to be taken within six (6) months from the approval date.

Executive Dean / Head of Office

(23) Notify the staff member in writing whether their application has been approved or declined.

(24) Submit the approved form to Human Resources for processing.

Human Resources Officer

(25) Process the payment to the staff member.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(26) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(27) Commonly defined terms are located in the University Glossary.