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Salary Loadings Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) To outline the approach for the setting, payment and review of Salary Loadings and Responsibility Allowances.


(2) The University is committed to attracting and retaining high quality staff and rewarding outstanding staff performance. Flexible remuneration using Salary Loadings and Responsibility Allowances assists in achieving this goal.


(3) This Policy applies to staff employed under the Macquarie University Enterprise Agreements.

(4) It is of particular relevance to Continuing and Fixed Term Academic and Professional staff members.

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Section 2 - Policy

Salary Loadings


(5) A Salary Loading may be considered when:

  1. there are demonstrable difficulties in attracting and retaining suitably qualified staff to a discipline / specialist position;
  2. there is a risk of significant turnover of staff in a discipline / specialist area;
  3. a staff member is performing at an outstanding level; or
  4. a staff member has skills that are highly sought after in the market.

(6) Salary Loadings will apply to:

  1. Academic Staff; and
  2. Professional Staff positions that are HEW Level 9 and above.

(7) Exceptions will require justification and the approval of the Chief People Officer.

(8) Salary Loadings may be either:

  1. negotiated as part of an offer of employment; or
  2. recommended by an Executive Dean / Head of Office; and
  3. are to be accompanied by documented evidence that supports the case for payment of a Salary Loading.

Loading Parameters

(9) Human Resources, in consultation with the relevant Deputy Vice-Chancellor, will establish loading parameters. Loading parameters will be determined on the basis of the level at which salaries for particular disciplines are being sustained in comparison with the market. Executive Deans / Heads of Offices will recommend Salary Loadings for individual staff within these parameters.

(10) The size of the Salary Loading will be adjusted to take into account any promotion or reclassification.

(11) A Salary Loading will be paid as a percentage or a fixed dollar amount (whole number).


(12) A review of Salary Loadings will be undertaken annually and take into account:

  1. salary survey and other market data;
  2. the recipient’s Development, Performance and Review;
  3. the continued applicability of Salary Loadings; and
  4. the applicability of a Salary Loading in the event that a staff member is promoted or appointed to a position with a higher classification.


(13) Setting a Salary Loading:

  1. The setting of a Salary Loading for an Academic or Professional staff member requires the approval of the Chief People Officer.

(14) Renewing a Salary Loading:

  1. The renewal of a Salary Loading where the Salary Loading remains the same or is reduced, or the cessation of a Salary Loading, requires the approval of the Executive Dean / Head of Office.

(15) Increasing a Salary Loading:

  1. The approvals as described for Setting a Salary Loading apply.

Leave and Superannuation

(16) Salary Loadings will:

  1. be paid on accrued leave that is taken during service;
  2. be paid on long service leave taken during service, but this will be funded from Faculty / Office budgets; and
  3. not be paid on accrued leave or annual leave taken on resignation, retirement or termination.

(17) Subject to legislation, Salary Loadings will not generally attract superannuation.

(18) Salary Loadings paid in respect of long service leave taken in service will be funded from Faculty / Office budgets rather than central funds.

Responsibility Allowance


(19) A Responsibility Allowance will be considered when:

  1. a staff member is performing additional responsibilities beyond those expected at their current level of appointment; and
  2. there is no feasible or allowable Higher Duties Allowance.

(20) Additional responsibilities may include, but are not limited to:

  1. project work; or
  2. performing a proportion of duties of another position which is classified at the same level as the staff member’s substantive position.


(21) A Responsibility Allowance will be approved for up to six (6) months. It is generally only approved once and is not appropriate for an ongoing need greater than six (6) months.


(22) The amount allocated for a Responsibility Allowance will depend upon the additional responsibilities required. As a guide, Responsibility Allowances will be no greater than 5% of one (1) year's base salary.


(23) The additional responsibilities and allowance may be increased, decreased or withdrawn during the period following consultation with the staff member.


(24) Responsibility Allowances require the approval of the Chief People Officer.

Salary and Leave

(25) Only one (1) Responsibility Allowance will be paid to a staff member at any one time.

(26) A Responsibility Allowance will be paid as a percentage (whole number).

(27) A Responsibility Allowance may be absorbed into the new level of remuneration if the recipient’s current position is reclassified to a higher level (in the case of Professional Staff) or the recipient is promoted (in the case of Academic Staff).

(28) A staff member will not be paid a Responsibility Allowance for leave periods of one (1) week or more.

Compliance and Breaches

(29) The University may commence applicable disciplinary procedures if a person to whom this Policy applies breaches this Policy (or any of its related procedures).

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Section 3 - Procedures

(30) Refer to the Salary Loadings Procedure.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(31) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(32) The following definitions apply for the purposes of this Policy:

  1. Salary Loading means salary paid in addition to the standard salary for a position, in order to attract or retain high quality staff.
  2. Responsibility Allowance means a temporary allowance that is paid when a staff member performs additional responsibilities for a set period of time.