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Award of University Council Title of Emeritus Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) To specify the criteria for the award of the titles of Emeritus Chancellor, Macquarie University; Emeritus Deputy Chancellor, Macquarie University; and Emeritus Council Member, Macquarie University. 


(2) Macquarie University Council (Council) values the contributions of all members of the Council. In awarding the title Emeritus Chancellor, Emeritus Deputy Chancellor or Emeritus Council Member, the Council seeks to recognise publicly and provide ongoing recognition for exceptional and distinctive contributions that particular individuals have made to the Council and to the advancement and development of the University.

(3) To reflect this commitment and to complement the award of Macquarie University Emeritus Professor, the Council has established the awards of Emeritus Chancellor, Macquarie University; Emeritus Deputy Chancellor, Macquarie University; and Emeritus Council Member, Macquarie University.


(4) The title of Emeritus Chancellor, Macquarie University may be awarded to a former Chancellor of the University who meets the eligibility criteria.

(5) The title of Emeritus Deputy Chancellor, Macquarie University may be awarded to a former Deputy Chancellor of the University who meets the eligibility criteria.

(6) The title Emeritus Council Member, Macquarie University may be awarded to a former member of Council who meets the eligibility criteria.

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Section 2 - Policy

(7) The title to be awarded will be one of Emeritus Chancellor, Macquarie University; Emeritus Deputy Chancellor, Macquarie University; or Emeritus Council Member, Macquarie University.

(8) The award is a title of high honour and not routinely awarded.

(9) The award of the title will be made by a resolution of the Council on the recommendation of the Nominations and Remuneration Committee on the basis of eligibility as assessed against the eligibility criteria.

(10) The title may be awarded at any time after a Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor or Member of the Council has ceased to be a member of the Council.

(11) The Council reserves the right not to make an award or to withdraw an award.

Eligibility Criteria

(12) To be eligible for the award a nominee will have:

  1. retired, resigned from, or reached the end of their term of office on the Council; and
  2. held the position of Chancellor or Deputy Chancellor of the University for a minimum of ten years; and
  3. held the position of Council Member for a minimum of ten years; and
  4. made an exceptional and distinctive contribution to the functioning of the Council and its Committees; and
  5. consistently demonstrated the values of the Council and discharged the responsibilities and expectations of a Council Member in an outstanding manner.


(13) The award of the title does not attract remuneration.

(14) A recipient will not be required to perform any of the usual functions associated with the role of Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor or Council Member.

(15) A recipient will not generally undertake paid employment at the University.

(16) A recipient will not concurrently hold an award of Emeritus Chancellor, Emeritus Deputy Chancellor or Emeritus Council Member, or equivalent title, from another University.

(17) The title is awarded in perpetuity, subject to the termination provisions in this Policy (Award of University Council Title of Emeritus Policy).

Bestowal of Award

(18) The decision to bestow an award is made by the Council and will be final.

Effective Date

(19) An award will be effective from the date of the Council's approval.


(20) The Director and Chief of Staff, Office of the Vice-Chancellor will ensure that the nominations process is managed efficiently and effectively.


(21) Awards are at the discretion of the Council and may be terminated at any time by written notice from the Council.

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Section 3 - Procedures

(22) Nil.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(23) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(24) The following definitions apply for the purpose of this Policy:

  1. Chancellor is the Chair of the University Council.
  2. Council Member means a member appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Macquarie University Act 1989 (NSW) and the Macquarie University By-law 2005 (NSW).
  3. Deputy Chancellor is the Deputy Chair of the University Council.
  4. University Council is the governing authority of the University, established under Part 3, section 8 of the Macquarie University Act 1989 (NSW).