(1) To detail the operating, maintenance and management of water infrastructure at Macquarie University. (2) This Procedure requires actions by the following: (3) Nil. (4) This Procedure provides information on the following topics: (5) Ensure water is used efficiently in all daily practices by: (6) Contact the Sustainability team or the Manager, Operational Sustainability, Macquarie University Property, if you require further information on any water related issues. (7) Inform the Manager, Technical Services, Macquarie University Property when a major trade waste related incident report is confirmed using emergency or standard service and work order procedures. (8) In the case of an after hours incident ensure the delegated on-call technical service staff is also informed. (9) Address leak and maintenance concerns regarding water management to the Manager, Technical Services, Macquarie University Property using standard work order procedures. (10) Ensure that any equipment or services purchased for and on behalf of the University adheres to the Procurement Policy, which specify water efficiency as a priority. (11) Gain approval for any plumbing work connecting to the main water or sewage system from the Manager, Technical Services, Macquarie University Property by completing an online Property Service Request Form. (12) When relevant, ensure new employees and Higher Degree Research students are provided with induction training concerning trade waste requirements (e.g. laboratory work). (13) Ensure staff are kept informed of efficient water practices and contact Sustainability if education is required. (14) Where a water incident (such as leaks) is reported to you, ensure the incident is responded to appropriately by informing Macquarie University Property through the Property Service Request Form. (15) Ensure all new plumbing and water fixture work undertaken through refurbishments, or installed as part of new builds, conforms to best practice water efficiency as defined by Sydney Water. At the time of writing this was measured as three (3) star WELS, per Water Rating, or better. (16) Ensure that contractors and sub-contractors are provided with the appropriate information and / or training to meet University requirements for water efficiency prioritise the installment of automated control systems and appropriate sub-metering during any new builds or refurbishments undertaken. (17) Remain informed of any changes to the Trade Waste Agreement and sign off on changes when required. (18) Provide an appropriate budget to replace non-conforming plumbing and water fixtures and to ensure that water savings projects can be undertaken on a continual basis. (19) Communicate and work with team members to ensure they are aware of the water efficiency requirements of the University. (20) Ensure that all water fixtures not conforming to best practice (3 star WELS or better, per Water Rating) are replaced as funds become available. (21) Prioritise replacement of water fixtures in utilities with high usage. (22) Ensure a robust maintenance program is in place by: (23) Operate cooling towers as follows: (24) Monitor water use as follows: (25) Test sub-meters as follows: (26) Undertake any immediate and / or further action required as a result of any incident report. It may be necessary to liaise with Sydney Water regarding further action. (27) Report all building works which have trade waste implications (for instance, changes to use of space, changes to grease traps, or chemical waste treatment and disposal that pertains to the sewerage system) to the Manager, Project Services, Macquarie University Property. (28) Communicate and work with team members to ensure they are aware of the water efficiency requirements of projects and space use. (29) Contact Sydney Water when potential impacts on the Trade Waste Agreement are identified. Sydney Water will provide advice as to whether or not the Trade Waste Agreement requires amendment, and request any further information if needed. Sydney Water will amend the Trade Waste Agreement if required. (30) Manage and coordinate the Water Action Group and water initiatives associated with the sustainability program. (31) Work with and support the Manager, Technical Services, Macquarie University Property to ensure the responsibilities of this position are undertaken. (32) Implement and / or support water reduction and supply projects. (33) Provide staff and students with the appropriate information and education to ensure that water efficient practices are undertaken. (34) Provide an appropriate budget to ensure that water savings education and awareness can be undertaken on a continual basis. (35) Nil. (36) Nil.Water Management Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
Section 3 - Procedures
Responsibilities and Required Actions
Staff and Students
Water Use / Incidents
Customer Service Officer, Property / Security Services Staff
Trade Waste
Executive Deans, Directors, Managers, Heads of Department, Contractors and Sub-contractors
Trade Waste
Water Practices
Executive Director, Property
Manager, Technical Services, Macquarie University Property
Maintenance Program
Cooling Towers
Water Monitoring
Sub-Meter Testing
Project Manager, Property / Space Planning Manager, Macquarie University Property
Manager, Project Services, Macquarie University Property
Manager, Operational Sustainability
Director, Sustainability
Section 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Definitions
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