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Room Booking Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) To describe how to book a facility and the priority order in which activities are booked.


(2) Every year, Property receives thousands of booking requests for a large variety of University and general public activities.

(3) Property aims to book rooms in a fair and equitable way. Activities are therefore prioritised according to importance using a documented system in order to be consistent, transparent and as fair as possible in processing booking requests.


(4) This Policy applies to:

  1. chargeable and no charge activities;
  2. all staff, students and the general public;
  3. rooms managed by Property, that is, Centrally Allocated Pool (CAP) rooms and common meeting rooms.

(5) This Policy does not apply to:

  1. local rooms managed by individual departments (including local teaching rooms and local staff rooms).
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Section 2 - Policy

(6) Rooms are primarily provided to support University teaching activities.

(7) Rooms are also provided for University administrative, student group and staff activities.

(8) Rooms may also be available on weekends and session breaks to the general public for a limited range of activities.

(9) Property will maintain a schedule of Activity Categories that shows the no charge and chargeable activities.


Class Timetabling

(10) Staff must contact a Faculty Timetabling Officer to timetable their class (Priority Level 1).

Casual Room Booking

(11) Staff and Campus Life must use the Resource Booker system to make and check the status of their Casual Room Bookings.

(12) Student groups and the general public must contact Campus Life directly about their Casual Room Bookings.

(13) All groups making Casual Room Bookings must describe their activity fully or give a detailed reason to support their request.

(14) All groups must allow at least two (2) working days for their Casual Room Booking request to be confirmed by Property.

(15) All bookings are subject to approval by Property.

Booking Priority

Centrally Allocated Pool (CAP) Rooms

(16) Activities in CAP rooms will be booked in the following order (where Priority Level 1 is the highest):

1 Classes in the standard session timetable Timetabling begins in May / June of the previous year
2 Examinations in the standard session timetable October of the previous year
2 Enrolment October of the previous year
2 Graduation October of the previous year
2 Information and Open days October of the previous year
2 Property Building Works October of the previous year
3 Summer School, Weekend Classes, Term Break Teaching November of the previous year
4 Extra curricula activities (e.g. Peer Assisted Learning) / Staff Development activities December of the previous year
4 Marketing events - official MQ activities December of the previous year
4 Alumni events - official MQ activities December of the previous year
4 Advancement events - official MQ activities December of the previous year
4 Office of the Vice-Chancellor events December of the previous year
5 Staff -  Administrative Activities After Week 2 of each session
6 Student Club meetings (registered with U@MQ) After Week 2 of each session
7 MQ conferences, seminars After Week 2 of each session
8 Marketing Partner School events - non-MQ activities After Week 2 of each session
8 Advancement Industry Partner events – non-MQ activities After Week 2 of each session
9 Students with approved research or filming assignments After Week 2 of each session
10 Non-MQ academic conferences, seminars (e.g. History Teachers’ Conference) After Week 2 of each session
11 All other non-MQ activities booked by the general public and approved by Property After Week 2 of each session

(17) Note the following:

  1. major activities ranked 1 – 4 in the list above will be timetabled in order of priority group;
  2. all other activities ranked 5 – 10 will be booked on a first-come, first-served basis, but only after Week 2 of each session;
  3. requests for activities ranked 5 – 10 can be submitted before Week 2 of each session, but will only be confirmed after Week 2. This is to allow for any additional classes that need to be timetabled following an increase or change in enrolment;
  4. long range bookings for activities ranked 5 – 10 will only be confirmed after Week 3 of the session that they are booked in. For example – a University conference scheduled to run in October that was requested in March cannot be confirmed until the Session 2 Timetable is finalised;
  5. a higher ranked activity will not take priority over a lower ranked activity that has already been booked. For example – an Alumni event requested in Week 7 cannot displace a booking for a Student Group confirmed in Week 3;
  6. if the preferred room or time is not available, Property will attempt to find an alternative;
  7. individual students are only allowed to book rooms for the following purposes and will need approval from their supervisor:
    1. conducting interviews or surveys as part of a research project; or
    2. filming or recording as part of an approved media project;
  8. staff can book CAP rooms for administrative activities, but are subject to the priority listing above.

Common Meeting Rooms (non-CAP rooms)

1 Staff – Administrative Activities Anytime

(18) Note the following:

  1. only staff are permitted to book Common Meeting Rooms;
  2. only no charge activities are allowed in these rooms;
  3. rooms will be booked on a first-come, first-served basis;
  4. rooms are not subject to the priority listing of CAP rooms; and
  5. activities already booked in rooms will not be required to make way for higher priority activities.

Compliance and Breaches

(19) The University may commence applicable disciplinary procedures if a person to whom this Policy applies breaches this Policy (or any of its related procedures).

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Section 3 - Procedures

(20) Nil.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(21) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(22) The following definitions apply for the purpose of this Policy:

  1. Book means to reserve the use of a facility at a specific date and time for a chargeable or no charge activity.
  2. Casual Room Booking means ad-hoc activities (Priority Levels 5 – 11) that are booked after the class timetable is finalised.
  3. Hire means to pay for the use of a facility for a chargeable activity.