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Award of Distinguished Professor Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) To establish the principles and standards for the award of the title of Macquarie University Distinguished Professor.


(2) Macquarie University values excellence in scholarship and recognises the contributions of individual academic staff to its academic mission. The award of the title of Macquarie University Distinguished Professor enables recognition and reward for sustained academic excellence at Macquarie University.


(3) All Professors of Macquarie University may be considered for the award of the title of Macquarie University Distinguished Professor.

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Section 2 - Policy Statement

(4) The title Macquarie University Distinguished Professor is awarded to eminent Professors of Macquarie University who are of exceptional distinction and who have made an outstanding contribution to their field or discipline and to Macquarie University.

(5) The title is of high honour and is not routinely awarded.

(6) Candidature for the Distinguished Professor award will arise through nomination from Executive Deans, not self-nomination, although a nominee's agreement that their nomination can go forward will be required.

(7) To be eligible for consideration, a nominee must hold the title ‘Professor’ at Macquarie University. The expectation is that the person would be in the top one% of their field and continuing to demonstrate excellence.

(8) The title is awarded based on merit as assessed against the Award of Distinguished Professor Criteria Schedule.

(9) Nominations will be considered by the Distinguished Professor Committee. The Committee membership will be as follows:

  1. Vice-Chancellor – Chair;
  2. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic);
  3. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research);
  4. Chair, Academic Senate; and
  5. Chief People Officer.

(10) The Vice-Chancellor has the authority to approve the award of the title of Distinguished Professor.

(11) The title is awarded for six years or until the retirement or resignation of the staff member, whichever is the earlier. The title may be awarded for consecutive periods. Re-nomination for a consecutive period will be treated as a new nomination.

(12) A salary supplement or research grant is offered to each person awarded the title.

(13) There is no limit to the number of Distinguished Professors, but it is expected that only a few highly exceptional candidates will be awarded the title each year.

(14) The University reserves the right not to make an award or to withdraw an award.

(15) The nomination and award process will be in accordance with the Award of Distinguished Professor Procedure.

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Section 3 - Procedures

(16) Refer to the Award of Distinguished Professor Procedure.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(17) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(18) Nil.