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Higher Degree Research Supervision Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure specifies the roles and responsibilities associated with the supervision of higher degree research (HDR) candidates.


(2) This Procedure applies to all individuals engaged in the provision and support of HDR supervision, including University staff, individuals appointed to adjunct or advisory positions and HDR candidates.

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Section 2 - Policy

(3) Refer to the Higher Degree Research Supervision Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedures

Responsibilities and Required Actions

(4) There is a HDR Supervision Procedure Flowchart available for this Procedure.


(5) Note that obligations for HDR candidates are outlined in the Overview (Handbook and Guide) for Candidates and Supervisors.

PRINCIPAL SUPERVISOR (DOCTORAL / M PHIL) Meet the minimum standards of appointment
Collaborate with the candidate to provide research training, timely feedback, and candidature management in line with University expectations of commencement, confirmation, progression, examination, and completion
Meet the candidate at least fortnightly (face-to-face or using digital tools) in addition to any laboratory or bench consultations, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. Consider meeting more frequently in the first year of research.
Ensure the candidate’s research data and materials are managed in line with the Research Data Materials Handling Toolkit
Support the candidate to access and develop real-world research opportunities as part of their candidature
Support the candidate to develop digital literacies as part of their research training for real-world engagement
Seek the appointment of an HDR Advisor and / or an HDR Cultural Advisor and / or an HDR Supervisor (End-User Partnership), and / or an Adjunct HDR Supervisor where appropriate, in support of the candidate’s research training
The Principal Supervisor, Department and Faculty must ensure that supervision remains regular, continuous, and effective during any period when the Principal Supervisor undertakes OSP.
Meet the minimum standards of appointment
Collaborate with the Principal Supervisor and candidate to provide research training, timely feedback, and candidature management in line with University expectations of commencement, confirmation, progression, examination, and completion.
Meet the minimum standards of appointment
Collaborate with the candidate to provide research training, timely feedback, and candidature management in line with University expectations of commencement, confirmation, progression, examination, and completion
Meet the candidate at least fortnightly (face-to-face or using digital tools) in addition to any laboratory or bench consultations, unless otherwise agreed by the parties
Ensure the candidate’s research data and materials are managed in line with the Research Data Materials Handling Toolkit
Seek the appointment of an HDR Advisor and / or an HDR Cultural Advisor and / or an HDR Supervisor (End-User Partnership), and / or an Adjunct HDR Supervisor where appropriate, in support of the candidate’s research training
Support the candidate to access and develop real-world research opportunities as part of their candidature
Support the candidate to develop digital literacies as part of their research training for real-world engagement.
Meet the minimum standards of appointment
Collaborate with the candidate to provide research training, timely feedback, and candidature management in line with University expectations of commencement, confirmation, progression, examination, and completion
Meet the minimum standards of appointment
Provide support and advice concerning cultural safety, ethical conduct, respect and protocols for the support of Indigenous candidates, and research that involves Indigenous peoples or is on Indigenous lands.
ADJUNCT HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH SUPERVISOR Meet the minimum standards of appointment
Collaborate with the Principal Supervisor and Supervisory Team to supervise a Doctoral / M Phil candidate.
Provide access to real-world research training.
Meet the minimum standards of appointment
Provide access to real-world research training
Share supervision responsibilities with other supervisors
Ensure the candidate’s research data and materials are managed in line with the Research Data Materials Handling Toolkit
Meet the minimum standards of appointment
Collaborate with the Principal Supervisor (Doctoral / M Phil) and HDR candidate to provide research training, timely feedback, and candidature management in line with University expectations of commencement, confirmation, progression, examination, and completion
Support the candidate to access and develop real-world research application as part of their candidature.
HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH CANDIDATE Produce a thesis (or equivalent) which fulfils the degree requirements and is presented in a form consistent with the accepted practices of the University including the Higher Degree Research Thesis Preparation, Submission and Examination Policy.
Associate Dean, Higher Degree Research Ensure the quality of the HDR candidate experience, including supervision
Ensure that the training requirements for HDR Cultural Advisors, Adjunct HDR Supervisors, HDR Advisors, and HDR Supervisors (End-User Partnership) are met, and a record of compliance maintained.
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Graduate Research Provide training and professional development programs for HDR Supervisors 
Provide training for HDR Cultural Advisors, Adjunct HDR Supervisors, HDR Advisors, and HDR Supervisors (End-User Partnership)
Provide a Fellowship Program for HDR Supervisors
Collaborate with Associate Deans HDR to ensure the quality of the HDR candidate experience, including supervision.
Provide management and administrative support for the HDR candidate cycle, noting that ‘Candidates are admitted to research training only where the training can be provided in a supervisory and study environment of research activity or other creative endeavour, inquiry and scholarship, and the supervision and resources required for their project are available’ (Higher Education Standards Framework, Threshold Standards 2015, 4.2)
Provide and maintain a searchable database containing data that enables a Faculty Executive Dean to appoint Macquarie University staff members as HDR supervisors in accordance with the minimum standards specified in the Higher Degree Research Supervision Policy.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Make a determination on ‘exceptional’ appointments where a proposed supervisor does not meet the minimum standards for the role.
Director of Master of Research Collaborate with HoDs, supervisors and candidates regarding appointments and changes to Master of Research Supervisors
Manage conflicts that cannot be resolved between a supervisor and a candidate.
Executive Dean
Ensure that high quality supervision and appropriate resources are provided for all HDR candidates throughout their candidature
Ensure that Faculty and Departmental workload formulas appropriately acknowledge HDR supervision as a core workload component
Implement annual Faculty-specific HDR candidate completion KPIs and associated action plans
Implement performance development and review processes that give managers better oversight of how staff are performing in relation to HDR supervision.
Head of Department (HoD)
As the Authorised Agent of the Executive Dean, appoint HDR Supervisors in line with the minimum standards specified in the Higher Degree Research Supervision Policy and in accordance with the University’s Staff Code of Conduct ‘Conflict of Interest’ requirements. Ensure that potential supervisors who are in a close personal relationship are not appointed in the same Supervisory Team.
Facilitate the quick resolution of conflicts that cannot be resolved between a supervisor and candidate and where this is not possible, refer the matter to the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Graduate Research
Establish a system to manage conflicts of interest so that they are declared and do not compromise ethical or scholarly considerations
Ensure that a Principal Supervisor is replaced with a person who meets the criteria for appointment as an Acting Principal Supervisor in accordance with the Higher Degree Research Supervision Policy
The Principal Supervisor, Department, and Faculty must ensure that supervision remains regular, continuous, and effective during any period when the Principal Supervisor undertakes OSP.
Ensure that a Doctoral / M Phil candidate is supervised by a Principal Supervisor and at least one other supervisor.
Provide training for Higher Degree Research Cultural Advisors in partnership with the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Graduate Research
Support the appointment of HDR Cultural Advisors within Faculty

Mandatory Training Procedure

(6) All HDR Supervisors who are University employees must be able to demonstrate as part of their appointment to any HDR supervision role that they have current HDR Supervision training on their HR Online Training History.

(7) Mandatory HDR Supervision training must be updated every four (4) years to ensure that HDR Supervisors have an opportunity to engage with emerging policy, procedures, and reflective practice. The updated training must appear on a staff members’ HR Online Training History.

The Appointment of HDR Supervisors (End-user Partnership)

(8) The appointment of an HDR Supervisor (End-User Partnership) should only be made where a formal Industry-University Partnership Agreement is approved and signed off by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research). The Agreement must be for the proposed duration of the candidacy.

The Appointment of HDR Advisors

(9) HDR Advisors, HDR Cultural Advisors, and Adjunct HDR Supervisors may be appointed on the request of a Supervisor or Candidate.

(10) The University is committed to encouraging the appointment of HDR Cultural Advisors where research involves Indigenous peoples. HDR Supervisors are encouraged to consult Walanga Muru to seek the appointment of an HDR Cultural Advisor where appropriate. Faculty are encouraged to develop procedures for the remuneration of HDR Cultural Advisors.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(11) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(12) Commonly defined terms are in the University Glossary