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Higher Degree Research Offsite Research - Commencing Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure outlines the steps required to ensure approval is obtained for any Offsite Research (OSR) for a commencing Higher Degree Research (HDR) candidate.

(2) To ensure that all external and internal obligations are met for supervision and candidature management, the University reserves the right to approve all research undertaken away from campus. These locations are referred to as Offsite Locations and may be in Australia or overseas but are subject to approval by the Principal Supervisor.

(3) Internal mode of attendance, as defined by the previous Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR), includes the situation where a student is undertaking a higher degree unit of study for which regular attendance is not required, but where the student attends the University on an agreed schedule for the purposes of supervision and / or instruction.

(4)  Internal mode of attendance for HDR enrolment:

  1. is recorded (except for designated distance programs such as the Doctor of Professional Communication and the Doctor of Applied Linguistics);
  2. requires that a candidate and supervisor will meet or have frequent contact, which may be online, on an agreed schedule during candidature;
  3. requires that HDR candidates remain enrolled while undertaking research related to their candidature; and
  4. does not describe the physical location of the candidate.
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Section 2 - Policy

(5) Nil.

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Section 3 - Procedures

Responsibilities and Required Actions

(6) This Procedure requires actions by the following:

  1. Faculty Associate Dean, Higher Degree Research;
  2. HDR Applicant;
  3. Officer, Higher Degree Research Office (HDRO); and
  4. Principal Supervisor,

HDR Applicant

(7) Note on HDR Application Form (refer HDR Forms webpage):

  1. your country and place of residence during your candidature; and
  2. whether your research will primarily be undertaken on-campus or away from campus (Offsite).

(8) Accept an offer of enrolment.

Principal Supervisor

(9) Consider the Offsite Location request.

(10) Complete the Admission Recommendation Form (refer HDR Forms webpage), approving the candidate’s country and place of residence, if appropriate.

(11) If the student is not located at a Macquarie University campus, specify the requirements for supervisory and other meetings during candidature including the fulfillment of Faculty Commencement Program requirements.

(12) Check that location arrangements are consistent with any contract agreements relating to the student. For example, such contracts may relate to a Cotutelle or Joint Enrolment, or Intellectual Property.

Officer, Higher Degree Research Office

(13) Receive the Admission Recommendation Form (refer HDR Forms webpage). Check that approval has been given for the place of residence during enrolment.

(14) Advise the candidate of the offer of enrolment and candidature requirements.

(15) When the candidate accepts the offer of enrolment, enrol them as internal mode of attendance.

Faculty Associate Dean, Higher Degree Research

(16) Review and approve the Offsite Research candidature arrangement.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(17) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(18) Commonly defined terms are located in the University Glossary.