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Motor Vehicle Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) To outline Macquarie University’s approach to the supply, maintenance and use of University owned vehicles.


(2) All vehicle purchases are to support the strategic aims of the University. Purchases will demonstrate value for money and high levels of probity, whilst adhering to the principles of life cycle costing, and minimising adverse environmental and social impacts through the selection of sustainable vehicles.

(3) The University actively supports the Australian Government’s initiative for ‘green vehicles’. It requires the Green Vehicle Guide to be used, as this takes into consideration:

  1. the Greenhouse Rating (based on CO2 emissions);
  2. Air Pollution Rating (based primarily on emission standards);
  3. an overall 'Star' Rating (a combination of the Greenhouse Rating and Air Pollution Rating); and
  4. Fuel Consumption (in L/100km).


(4) This Policy applies to all staff of the University including staff in each of its controlled entities.

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Section 2 - Policy

Purchase of Vehicle

(5) When purchasing a vehicle, Faculties / Offices will do the following in consultation with Business Services within the Office of Financial Services:

  1. determine the vehicle's primary use;
  2. determine how many passengers the vehicle will typically transport;
  3. use the Green Vehicle Guide to identify the vehicle with the highest ratings that meets the intended need. In general, the smallest, most fuel-efficient vehicle that matches the primary use and typical number of passengers should be selected, taking into account the various environmental, economic and social considerations;
  4. if the primary use of the vehicle is for passenger transport and the typical number of passengers is two or less, then a fuel efficient, four-cylinder or hybrid vehicle should be selected;
  5. have the selection of the vehicle recommended by the Faculty / Head of Office and approved by Business Services; and
  6. recognise that Purchasing Office staff will order and take delivery of the all vehicle purchases.

Departmental Pool Vehicles

(6) Where these vehicles are required due to the nature of the work of a particular Faculty / Office, all purchase and running costs will be charged to the Faculty / Office.

Use of Vehicles

(7) These vehicles are for business travel only and may not be used privately by a staff member.

(8) All non-business travel use (i.e. personal use) will be deemed as a Fringe Benefit. The Fringe Benefit Tax will be applied.

(9) The driver of the vehicle must have a current driver’s licence.

(10) A logbook will be maintained by the designated driver.

(11) It is the responsibility of each Faculty / Office to ensure that a logbook is maintained.

E-Toll Accounts

(12) E-Toll accounts will be set up by Business Services, Office of Financial Services, on request.

(13) E-Toll accounts will be provided for University vehicles only. All charges will be charged to a nominated account. A University credit card must not be used for E-Toll accounts.

Petrol Cards

(14) Petrol cards can be obtained and used for both University vehicles and those vehicles operating under the salary sacrifice scheme.

(15) The Faculty / Office is responsible for their use and all charges.

Disposal of Vehicles

(16) The University will keep motor vehicles for a minimum of two (2) years or 40,000 kilometres, whichever comes first.

(17) The preferred method for disposal of vehicles is an auction.

(18) All disposals must be organised by the Faculty / Office through Business Services, Office of Financial Services.

(19) All sets of keys and all logbooks must be handed in with the vehicle. The vehicle must be in a clean condition with all rubbish and belongings removed.

(20) The Faculty / Office will receive the auction proceeds.


(21) It is the responsibility of each Faculty / Office to ensure that:

  1. the vehicle is maintained in clean and good running order; and
  2. the vehicle is registered and insured.

(22) Only University owned vehicles are covered by the University’s Motor Vehicle Insurance Policy. No privately owned vehicles will be covered by the University’s insurance, even if being used on University business.

(23) It is the responsibility of the Faculty / Office to inform Business Services, Office of Financial Services of any damage or accidents which have occurred.

Other Coverage

(24) All University vehicles will be covered by Comprehensive Third Party Car Insurance.

(25) All University vehicles will be registered with the NSW Roads and Traffic Authority.

(26) All University vehicles will be covered by NRMA Roadside Assist unless manufacturer assistance has been provided at the time of purchase.

Private Vehicles

(27) Whilst recognising that use of private vehicles on University business is occasionally required, regular use is strongly discouraged.

(28) The University will not accept any liability whatsoever which may arise from use of a private vehicle on University business.

Compliance and Breaches

(29) The University may commence applicable disciplinary procedures if a person to whom this Policy applies breaches this Policy (or any of its related procedures).

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Section 3 - Procedures

(30) Nil.

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(31) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(32) The following definitions apply for the purposes of this Policy:

  1. Business Travel means:
    1. travel between Macquarie University buildings for business purposes; and
    2. travel between a Macquarie University campus and another location (apart from the employee's home) for business purposes.