(1) This Policy defines the key mechanisms through which governance of the General Ledgers of the University and it controlled entities (the Group) is achieved. (2) The General Ledger is fundamental to understanding the University’s financial performance, delivering decision support to stakeholders and enabling reporting to regulatory bodies. Governance over the General Ledger is important to ensure that the information and reporting is fit for purpose, accurate and complete. (3) This Policy applies to all officers and directors, members, employees, consultants and contractors of Macquarie University and its Controlled Entities. (4) Note: Appendix 1 General Ledger Policy Family Tree describes how policies relating to the General Ledger relate to each other. (5) The University Cyber Security Policy and Computer and Network Security Procedure define requirements for User Access Management and User Registration for all systems, including the General Ledgers of the Group. (6) In addition to protocols defined in those documents, the following policy position applies with respect to user profiles within General Ledger systems that are assigned access to manual journal formats: (7) Procedures for the preparation, review and approval of Manual Journal Entries for the University and its Controlled Entities are detailed in the Manual Journal Entry Procedure. (8) Specific guidance on Capital Assets is detailed in the Capital Asset Management Policy. (9) Authority to make and amend Accounting Policies, as well as details of current Accounting Policies to which all entities in the Group must adhere, are detailed in the Accounting Policies Policy and its Appendix the Accounting Policies Register. (10) Appropriate uses of the University Project and Operations Ledgers, governance and controls surrounding major account set-up and ongoing use of major accounts, are detailed in the Project and Operations Ledger Account Policy and associated Project and Operations Ledger Account Procedure. (11) Procedures for the creation and modification of Natural Accounts and the creation and modification to associated Natural Account Reporting Hierarchies for the University, and the controlled entities are detailed in the Natural Account and Associated Reporting Hierarchy Procedure. (12) Procedures for establishing requirements for the reconciliation of Balance Sheet accounts are detailed in the Balance Sheet Account Reconciliation Procedure. (13) Procedures for recording and elimination of inter-company transactions in the General Ledgers of the University and its Controlled Entities are detailed in the Inter-company Procedure. (14) The Delegations of Authority Policy and its Appendices specify who may perform specific functions, including financial delegations, and the principles by which delegations of authority are exercised. (15) Appropriate General Ledger training must be completed before access is given to a General Ledger. (16) Nil. (17) Nil. (18) Commonly defined terms are located in the University Glossary. The following definitions apply for the purpose of this Procedure:General Ledger Governance Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Policy
General Ledger Governance
Governance Over Access to the General Ledger
Governance Over Manual Journals
Governance Over Permitted Accounting Policies
Governance Over the Use of the University Operations and Project Ledger
Governance Over Natural Accounts and Associated Financial Reporting Hierarchies
Governance Over Balance Sheet Reconciliations
Governance Over Inter-company Transactions
Financial Delegations
Section 3 - Procedures
Section 4 - Guidelines
Section 5 - Definitions
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