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Gifts and Benefits Reporting Procedure

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure details the procedures relevant to gift and benefit reporting.


(2) All members of the University and its controlled entities.

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Section 2 - Policy

(3) Refer to the Gifts, Benefits, and Entertainment Policy.

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Section 3 - Procedures

Responsibilities and Required Actions

(4) This Procedure requires actions by the following:

  1. Vice-President, Finance and Resources;
  2. Staff member;
  3. Supervisor; and
  4. Vice-Chancellor.

(5) The steps and / or actions that must be undertaken include:

  1. Declare;
  2. Notify; and
  3. Report.

Staff Member


(6) Declare all Gifts and Benefits every time they are offered or received from an external organisation or individual where there is doubt as to the monetary value. When it is difficult to estimate the monetary value of a Gift a reasonable value should be assigned to the Gift. This value must be agreed in consultation with your supervisor.


(7) Notify your supervisor every time you are offered or receive a Gift or Benefit whose fair value may be in excess of A$250 – whether the Gift or Benefit is accepted or not.

(8) Complete the Registering Gifts, Benefits and Entertainment Form within ten (10) business days of being offered or receiving the Gift or Benefit and submit it to Vice-President, Finance and Resources and include the following details:

  1. the date on which the offer / presentation occurred;
  2. the name and company details of those involved in presenting the gift;
  3. the name of the recipient;
  4. a detailed description of the gift;
  5. an estimation of the value of the gift, or actual value if known;
  6. the outcome of the offer; and
  7. whether the gift was given to the University or retained by the recipient.

Report Bribes, Potential Bribes and Compromising Circumstances

(9) Report bribes, potential bribes and compromising circumstances to your supervisor or another line manager in the following manner:

  1. as soon as practicable, preferably within one business day of the incident;
  2. in verbal or written form;
  3. where initial notification is provided verbally this must be followed by a written report containing the following information:
    1. the date on which the bribe, potential bribe or compromising circumstances occurred;
    2. the name and company details of those involved in the occurrence;
    3. the name of the recipient;
    4. a detailed description of the bribe, potential bribe or compromising circumstances;
    5. an estimation of the value of the bribe, potential bribe or compromising circumstances, or actual value if known; and
    6. the outcome of the offer.
  4. whether the bribe, potential bribe or compromising circumstances was given to the University or retained by the recipient.



(10) Immediately forward all information on the offer or receipt of a Gift or Benefit over $250 to the Vice-President, Finance and Resources.


(11) Immediately forward all information regarding bribes, potential bribes or compromising circumstances to the Vice-President, Finance and Resources, including any subsequent written notification.

Vice-President, Finance and Resources


(12) Notify the Vice-Chancellor where it is determined that the reported incident involves, or is likely to involve, corrupt conduct.



(13) Report such incidences to the Independent Commission Against Corruption in accordance with the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 (NSW).

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Section 4 - Guidelines

(14) Nil.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(15) Commonly defined terms are located in the University Glossary. Definitions specific to this Procedure are contained in the accompanying Gifts, Benefits, and Entertainment Policy.