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Bulletin Board
The Bulletin Board displays policies, procedures, guidelines, and rules that have been approved or came into effect in the last two months, as well as draft documents available for comment. Draft documents are not approved and should not be relied upon in any way.
Feedback and comment on existing documents may be provided at any time directly to the Responsible Officer shown on the Status and Details tab at the top of each document.
Recent Approvals
Document Title
Effective Date
Research Degree Subcommittee Terms of Reference
6th February 2025
Policy Review and Development
Note: The Policy Review / Development Table provides a consolidated listing of policy documents that are currently under review or in development within the categories of:
- Learning and Teaching;
- Higher Degree Research; and
- Student Administration.
This Table is accessible to Staff only (via TRUTH).
Draft Documents for Comment
You are invited to review the following documents and provide comment. Note that you must complete all three stages of the submission process for your comments to be received. Simply saving a comment in the comment box does not mean it has been submitted and if you exit the system or are timed-out, you will not be able to retrieve it later. You must choose Save and continue at the bottom of the page to continue through the three stages of the submission process. At the end of the submission process you will receive a copy of your submitted comments. You can always return another time to make further comments.
A shield indicates that a document is under development and / or in the first stage of the consultation process and as such is only available to the core stakeholders using the password issued by the author. If you would like to provide feedback on a limited access draft document please contact policy@mq.edu.au.
If you have any enquiries about the content of a policy, please contact the Document Author.
Document Title
Date Due for Comment
Document Author
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